先后作为主要成员参与国家自然科学基金、广东省中医药局科研项目和广东省高校青年创新人才项目等,研究项目涉及穿心莲、岗梅、两面针等中药材种子种苗标准和GAP种植研究、广藿香转录组及广藿香醇生物合成的转录调控研究等。目前已发表学术论文共17篇,其中SCI或EI收录论文8篇,包括《BMC Plant Biology》、《Industrial Crops and Products》、《International Journal of Molecular Sciences》、《Horticulture Research》和《Botanical Studies》等专业权威期刊;中文核心期刊论文多篇。
[1] Xiuzhen Chen, Likai Chen*, et al., Full-length transcriptome sequencing and methyl jasmonate-induced expression profile analysis of genes related to patchoulol biosynthesis and regulation in Pogostemon cablin [J]. BMC Plant Biology 2019, 19(1):266. (JCR: Q1; IF: 3.67)
[2]Xiuzhen Chen1, Junren Li1, Yanting Liu, et al., PatSWC4, a methyl jasmonate-responsive MYB (v-myb avian myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog)-related transcription factor, positively regulates patchoulol biosynthesis in Pogestemon cablin [J]. Industrial Crops and Products.2020.154:112672. (共同第一作者;JCR: Q1; IF: 4.191)
[3] Junren Li1, Xiuzhen Chen1, Likai Chen*, et al., Comparative iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis provides insight into a complex regulatory network of Pogostemon cablin in response to exogenous MeJA and Ethrel [J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 140: 111661. (共同第一作者;JCR: Q1; IF: 4.191)
[4] Li Junren, Chen Xiuzhen, Likai Chen*, etl. Identification of trihelix transcripiton factors in Pogostemon cablin reveals PatGT-1 negatively regulates patchoulol biosynthesis[J].Industrial Crops and Products, 2021. 161: 113182. ( JCR: Q1; IF: 4.191)
[5] Xiaobing Wang, Xiuzhen Chen, Likai Chen*, et al., Global analysis of lysine succinylation in patchouli plant leaves [J]. Horticulture Research, 2019. 6(1):133. (JCR Q1; IF:3.640)